Wildlife and Conservation
In the Wildlife and Conservation group we welcome all who are interested in wildlife, conservation, the natural environment, and issues such as biodiversity and endangered species. It is hoped that as well as learning new things the group will be able to contribute to improving biodiversity in the locality. This will involve practical conservation tasks, biological recording and raising the issues of endangered species. We are a group of people interested in all aspects of wildlife and conservation. Some of us very knowledgeable, most of us less so, but all keen to learn new information.
Indoor Meetings are on the 3rd Monday of the month 2pm – 4pm in the main hall, at the Dorchester Community Church, Poundbury.
Outdoor activities will be advertised at the indoor meeting for the month following as these will be optional and varied. They may involve work in smaller groups on conservation tasks, recording of wildlife, biological surveys or visits to nature reserves. |
The group has a varied and interesting programme for 2024-25, but we are open to ideas and contributions from members. Topics covered so far include:
People are welcome to dip their toe in if a topic interests them, or they can come every month. Every Dorchester and District u3a member is welcome to join us for a day trip but please check with Stephen to ensure spaces are still available.
Outdoor meeting subjects will include:
We are currently charging 50p per member per indoor meetings plus a separate donation of 50p or £1 to build up a fund from which we can pay visiting speakers.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the group leader, Stephen Brown, emails: [email protected] Telephone: 07748 730399 |
Web page maintained by Kelvin Huff. email: [email protected]