Join a Dorchester u3a Subject Group
The Dorchester u3a has a wide range of subject groups which members can attend. They are all detailed in the pages of this web site which is open to anyone to browse so, if you have not, please use the menu bar at the top to explore our activities.
To attend one of our groups you need to be a member of the Dorchester u3a. If you are not: first click here to join.
Each group has a Group Leader or Contact whose name and contact details are given in the current issue of our newsletter which is posted to all our members and should be given to you when you join. The meeting times and places of all active groups are also usually given there. Some information will be available in their Group Page on this web site and on the Group Directory and Calendar.
If you wish to attend a group for the first time it is courtesy to contact the Group Leader or Contact in advance of the meeting to ensure that places are available, your knowledge is appropriate for the group and to confirm arrangements for the meeting.
But first check the group page on this web site so that you are aware of the current group arrangements.
But first check the group page on this web site so that you are aware of the current group arrangements.