Art: Still Life and Portraiture Groups
PortraitureThe portraiture group runs on the second and fourth Wednesday each month, 2.30 - 4.30pm.
Bring your favourite materials. Pencil, charcoal or neopastels are recommended for the fairly short poses that we usually set up. |
Still LifeThe Still Life group runs on the second and fourth Mondays each month, 2.30 - 4.30pm.
Bring your favourite medium. I have a very wide experience using oils, water colours, acrylics, fresco and egg tempera, and can give tips based on my usage of these materials. |
Both are small groups of up to 7 in a real studio with tables and some easels. No experience necessary.
The Groups meet at the home of the Group Leader Elaine Mills. Tel: 07748244735
The Groups meet at the home of the Group Leader Elaine Mills. Tel: 07748244735
Web page maintained by Kelvin Huff. email: [email protected]