Pins and Needles
The Pins and Needles group is a mixture of knitters and embroiderers and we enjoy chatting about (and admiring) each other’s projects (as well as putting the world to rights) over a cuppa and while we stitch.
Over the years the group has been running we have knitted blankets for many charities such as:~ the children at the Dorchester Women's Refuge; many have been sent overseas with TWAM and Heart Response; 35 were made for the Day Centre at Rowan Cottage and many for the children at Julia’s House ~ so we appreciate all the brilliant U3A knitters who constantly knit squares for these blankets ~ we really couldn’t produce them without your flying needles!! Other charities we have supported are Age UK's 'Big Knit'; poppies for the British Legion; Baby sets for the 'Fish and Chip' babies and small blankets and bonnets for the Special Care Baby Unit at DCH. Some of us also work on our own projects, and some make items for other charities ~ we also look into other areas of interest such as domino knitting, Tunisian Crochet and Dorset Buttons The cost is 50p per afternoon with 20p for refreshments. Do come along and join us. If any U3A members are knitters and would like copies of any of these
patterns, please contact Libby. Libby Wood, Group Leader email: [email protected] or telephone details in the newsletter |
Page maintained by Les Mould, (28.01.2025) email [email protected]