Spanish Conversation
Si quieres practicar el español en un ambiente agradable e informal, ¿por qué no te apuntas a nuestro grupo?
We meet twice a month to talk in Spanish about a range of subjects. Discussion topics are usually agreed in advance, so that we can prepare beforehand. Previous topics include local news stories; pieces of art that have a special meaning for us; coping with the heat; the pros and cons of a cashless society, and many more. We also have the occasional quiz or game.
While we sometimes look at a particular grammatical issue or explore an area of vocabulary, the focus is very much on conversation, and there is no formal tuition. We cater for a range of linguistic abilities and backgrounds: some members have learnt Spanish through previous u3a groups; others have studied it more formally (though it may have been some time ago); and some have picked up the language by living or travelling in Spanish-speaking countries. However, the group is not suitable for beginners or anyone looking for formal language classes.
We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm in the Upper Classroom at Holy Trinity Parish Centre. The cost per meeting is £1.
To keep numbers manageable and ensure that everyone can participate fully, we may sometimes need to operate a waiting list. To find out more about the group or to ask about joining, please contact the group leader Kate: [email protected]
Web-page maintained by Dave Waymont