Welcome to the Psychology Group's page!
welcome title in standard colour
Group detailsGroup Leader or Contact: Carl Jung
Meeting times: every 2nd Monday at Holy Trinity Parish Centre, 9.30-11.00 a.m. Email the Group Leader: [email protected] Note re status: ‘New members welcome’, or ‘this group is currently full, please email the group leader to go on the waiting list’. What we doPerhaps include an outline of the group's activities, e.g. talks, discussions, visits etc.
Maybe include an image of the group at a meeting (with consent of members). Image subject to copyright.
Useful weblinksThese can obviously be tailored to fit in with the current topic
Include a suitable graphic but be careful about copyright and add an attribution. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license to Ben Taylor
Programme for the Spring TermAn outline of the monthly programme, with dates and topics, for the current term
YouTube videos can be used before, during or after the meeting with members to illustrate a current topic.
Reading listDavid Marr’s Vision.
"Phil Johnson-Laird’s Mental Models (1983, Cambridge University Press) William James’s The Principles of Psychology (1890). These can obviously be tailored to fit in with the current topic This page is maintained by Kelvin Huff (The name of the person responsible for this page)