Central and regional u3a resources
Explore the information and events available from the national and regional u3a organisations by clicking on the pictures below.
If you would like help finding your way around the National u3a website, this link u3a website tour presentation is to a YouTube presentation showing members how to navigate around the website.
If you would like help finding your way around the National u3a website, this link u3a website tour presentation is to a YouTube presentation showing members how to navigate around the website.
Click on image above to open the Facebook discussion group with the object of promoting all matters relating to research and shared learning in the u3a South West region. It is for anyone with an interest in research or shared learning to try out ideas, find out or discuss methods - entirely non-judgemental and entirely informal. The group is administered by Christ Knight, (at present the sole) Research & Shared Learning Adviser for the SW region.